READINGWe are continuing our story,
The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin, until Tuesday, April 7th. Last week, during centers with Mr. Zerbe's class, the students were paired up and each pair wrote about a different accomplishment of his, and then illustrated it. Look for this display near the third grade quad.
ENGLISHWe have finished up irregular verbs, and are moving on to contractions, commas, and suffixes to close out the week. Student partners each made a colorful poster of one of the 12 irregular verbs we studied, to remind us of the correct way to use them, when speaking or writing.
MATHLast week we focused on coordinate grids and graphing ordered pairs. This week we will study line graphs; how to read them and make them.
Our Multiplication Challenge is going full speed ahead! Many of the children are on their 6's or 7's! I can tell that these students have been working very hard at home!
Just a reminder that your son/daughter should be bringing home their multiplication flashcards
daily and practicing them.
SOCIAL STUDIESThis week we will conclude our study of the Anasazi with a look at Mesa Verde National Park. Wouldn't that be a great field trip? The students will view lots of photos of the park, along with a power point presentation.
Makenzie went there a few summers ago, and she is sharing her family photos of that trip with us! We actually got to see her sitting right in the middle of the Four Corners! How cool is that?
have been busy working on our energy unit. This past week we had fun doing an experiment where the students created static electricity. This tied in with our reading story about Ben Franklin, since we discussed how he discovered that lightning was electricity.