Our story, Spider's at Work by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith, continues through Wednesday this week. This non-fiction selection inform us about how spiders use their unique abilities to survive in the natural world. The dangerous black widow and the tarantula are among the spiders featured. Skills include: important and unimportant information, using a dictionary, drawing conclusions, and antonyms and synonyms.
Our study of nouns continues. We are currently working on common and proper nouns and will be moving on to possessive nouns in the near future.
We have begun our chapter on place value. We are learning how to write numbers in the hundreds three different ways: standard form, word form, and expanded form. We have also learned about ordinal numbers and that numbers are used to: count, locate, measure and name.
We are wrapping up our study of maps. We are reviewing on Monday and Tuesday of this week and will have our culminating map unit test on Wednesday, Nov. 9th. A study guide and vocabulary cards were sent home last week.
Our "Roles of Living Things " unit has begun. Topics will include: relationships among living things, how living things are adapted, and living things in the environment.
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